Into the Pit: 198: Front Line Assembly – O2 Academy Islington, N1 – 24-August 2017

Since Front Line Assembly returned to the live arena a bit over a decade ago – and indeed their first UK show in ten years when they played Infest 2006 – I’ve seen the band live a lot. I’ve seen them three times in North America (Ottawa, Montreal and Chicago), and in Manchester, and four […]

/Talk Show Host/036/Front Line Assembly

This was an interview I’ve wanted for for as long as I’ve been doing interviews. I’ve followed, and listened to Bill Leeb’s work in Front Line Assembly (and to a lesser extent in his other projects) for well beyond two decades, and have long been curious about a number of things.

Into the Pit: 179: Front Line Assembly – Live at The Garage – 21-August 2013

It has been noted recently that there have been a dearth of “club” shows in the industrial scene, at least in the UK, of late, with pretty grim predictions for 2014, too. But in the meantime, there have been the odd show to restore faith somewhat that strong bills can occur, with support acts as […]

But Listen: 135: Front Line Assembly – Echogenetic

Of the industrial scene’s great survivors (FLA, Skinny Puppy, Front 242, KMFDM), all four have now been active for over 25 years, and aside from 242 (who seem happy with revisiting their past with admittedly amazing live shows, which is no problem for me – I’ve seen them five times in the last five years […]

But Listen: 129: Front Line Assembly – AirMech

Front Line Assembly’s lengthy career has seen them take a number of turns, adapting their own sound and co-opting others as members of the band changed, with varying degrees of success. Their initial industrial sounds evolved enormously as technology progressed, took in all manner of metal influences in the nineties – arguably resulting in their […]

Into the Pit: 045: Front Line Assembly – Live in Manchester – 07-July 2007

Last night, in the main, rocked. I got to see probably my favourite band of all for a second time within a year, I got to spend some time catching up with a whole load of people I haven’t seen an awful lot of recently, and the weather was even pretty good for the first […]

But Listen: 026: Front Line Assembly – Artificial Soldier

It’s been a tough few years being an FLA fan. Every release in, oh, the past five years has been touted as “the best one since…[insert your favourite FLA album here – me? I’ll lay my cards on the table now and say Tactical Neural Implant]”, when they patently haven’t. Epitaph was well, ok, but […]

Into the Pit: 116: Front 242 – Live in Glasgow – 10-December 2011

It has been a while since I travelled this far for a gig in the UK. Let me explain: I love Front 242. And given the news that old friends of mine in Je$us Loves Amerika were announced as the support act for this Glasgow show, it was not a difficult decision to head north […]

/Countdown /2024 /Gigs

The final part of /Countdown 2024 sees me looking at the best gigs of the year. Some statistics for my gig-going in 2024. I went to 36 shows (each festival is counted by number of days – so Infest is three days, so counts for three shows), and saw 110 live sets. I saw 105 […]

/Countdown /2024 /Albums

Onto the third week of /Countdown/2024 on, and this week I’m looking at the best albums of the year. As I’m sure I’ve explained before, I treat the “year” as 01-December to 30-November, to allow me a cut-off point, and to allow this to be done and dusted before Christmas so that I can […]

/Countdown /2024 /Compilations & Re-issues

Welcome to /Countdown/2024 – this year’s wrap-up of the best new music that I’ve heard across the year, and the 21st anniversary of me starting to do such annual roundups (which began on LiveJournal before moving to this site). I begin as usual, with the best compilations and reissues in no particular order, although it […]

/Machine Riguéur

MACHINE RIGUÉUR at SALON DU MIEL Machine Riguéur brings to the Salon Du Miel dance floor an eclectic mix of the best in Dark Electronica. Playing curated playlists of 80’s Synth, Cold Wave, Industrial, EBM, Post Punk, Goth, alternative underground Detroit & Chicago House, as well as contemporary Dark Electronica. Having put on regular club […]

/Pure Industrial Special #2 – XAL & Antichildleague live + EBM Book Launch

PURE INDUSTRIAL SPECIAL #2 tickets £13 (no booking fee) first release XAL live Antichildleague live EBM book launch Author Yuma Hampejs in conversation with Neil Gardner (Editor, Electronic Body Music – English edition) & Alexei Monroe (Author, Interrogation Machine: Laibach & NSK, Co-Editor, Test Dept: Total State Machine), after which author will […]

/Welcome to the Future /276 /Events, Livestreams and New Releases 30-Aug 2024

This time last week, I was on the way to Infest. A week later, there’s an awful lot of catching up to do on new releases… This post is a roundup of (relevant to this site) new and upcoming music, a nod to upcoming events and livestreams both from this website and others, and also […]

/Beat Transfusion – with Palindrones live

Live performance by Palindrones! Followed by the Beat Transfusion Industrial, EBM, Futurepop, Aggrotech and Synth music night @ Aces & Eights, Tufnell Park – from 21:00 on 26 July. Follow Palindrones on their social media pages and website! At Beat Transfusion you can expect brand new releases, alongside classics from bands such as: Apoptygma […]

/Tuesday Ten /557 /..and Justice for All

Fighting injustice, and fighting for justice, have been documented in song probably as long as people have sung songs. They are a way for the oppressed to tell their story, and spread the word of what happened – and in many cases, to set the record straight.

/Tuesday Ten /554 /Tracks of the Month /Apr 2024

For those bemoaning that “there’s no good new music”, you’re wrong. There’s been an absolute torrent of new music lately, so much that I can barely keep up, and as we close off the first third of the year, there’s already been a few album of the year contenders too.